Early Head Start & Head Start

Successful Submission


Thank you for applying for Early Head Start or Head Start programs with GRECS. Your application will be processed within 2-3 business days. After your application has been processed you will be emailed, or mailed, a waitlist confirmation letter. If you are unemployed at this time, please complete the Zero Income Declaration Application below as soon as possible. 

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Zero Income Declaration Statement

If you are unemployed at this time, please  complete the Zero Income Declaration Application as soon as possible.


GRECS’ Mission & Vision

Gulf Regional Early Childhood Services, Inc. seeks to brighten the future for children through early learning opportunities. To achieve its mission, the organization will implement professional development programs for teachers and child care providers; engage in activities that enrich the lives of children; maintain and disseminate information that elevates early learning as a community resource; and develop partnerships with families, organizations, business and government to increase the availability of high quality early learning child care programs.